
I am married to a Geek.  And it wasn’t under false pretenses; he never claimed not to be.  When I met him some 14 years ago in college, he was a Geek then and he is still a Geek.  And I wouldn’t change it.

I was given the task, as a non-Geek, to offer a different perspective.  I was asked as the neo-luddite, the non-gamer and, may I add, as the athlete of the group to write about how my daily life is living with the Geek.  At first, I thought there isn’t much to add that would be of interest because there are those who live on the IT side of the world and there are those of us who constantly ask for IT support.  But, I embrace the Geek, you could even the say the Geek makes me a better person.

Jonathan and I come from similar backgrounds.  We grew up in middle class families from pretty big suburbs.  His father worked as a VP in company and my father worked as a VP in a company.  Both of our mothers were substitute teachers doing our school years.  But that really is where our similarities end.  On the weekends, my family was gathered around one of the children’s sports teams while Jon and his father were planning adventures.

“Planning adventures”?  What does that even mean? Well, that is what I am going to explore.  How a girl from Texas could end of with some Geek from Denver (in my opinion a very high rate of Geeks in this state, I believe it comes from the cold weather because you can’t go outside and play sports or see the sun light)